Thursday, September 6, 2007

To sleep, perchance to dream

Life is--do I dare say it?--going well.

I had my first counseling appointment without children. They were both in school. It was strange to not be interrupted every few minutes.

My sleep is continuing to be a problem, but it is improving. The psychiatrist's assistant has had me try both Ambien (worked too well) and Rozerem (didn't work at all) and each time I keep going back to Lunesta. It's taken weeks, but now at 2mg of Lunesta a night, I'm finally sleeping through the night without waking for an hour or more in the middle.

I am told this is common with many of the SSRI antidepressants, that they work well on mood but disrupt sleep, causing some people to sleep much lighter. This is exactly what I found. On the higher (for me) dose of 30mg Prozac I've been on since losing my baby in May, my sleep has gotten worse.

But now with the Lunesta, more than the number of hours a night I'm sleeping, the most wonderful, baruch HaShem, thing has happened: I am dreaming again.

Really interesting dreams, intriguing dreams, fascinating dreams. Not nightmares.

It gives me a reason, finally, to look forward to the darkness of night.


Ezzie said...

:) May this keep on continuing positively!

Scraps said...

I'm so glad to hear it.

May this coming year be a good, sweet year for you and yours.

Anonymous said...

L'shana tova, may this be a good year for all of us!

Faith said...

Dear Rivka - I just found you through Jewess and I want to let you know that you are not alone. I have suffered from depression from my earliest memories (which are few and far between), and an eating disorder. I am glad to have found you.


Jendeis said...

Rivka, I just wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Rosh Hashanah and a sweet new year. Please remember that there are many people who read your blog and think of you, hoping for the best for you. Shanah Tova!